XVII INQUA Congress 2007

Cairns Convention Centre, Cairns, Australia 28 July - 3 August 2007
Publié le 14 juillet 2007, mise à jour le 24 novembre 2008
par Henri-Georges NATON
Rising greenhouse gases are driving climatic boundaries beyond the Quaternary envelope ; rising tides of humanity are pushing the ecosphere towards an impoverished and uncharted state. The world approaches a crossroad.

Voir en ligne : XVII INQUA Congress 2007

In uncharted seas, sailing directions are taken from historical knowledge. Never has the need to understand Quaternary history been greater : history of climate, the biosphere and humankind. Quaternarists are skilled in integrating with other disciplines. The challenges are clear ; our goal is that INQUA 2007 enhances our global ability to meet them.

INQUA is the International Union for Quaternary Research. The Quaternary Period spans the last 2.6 million years of Earth history. The Quaternary is an interval with dramatic and frequent changes in global climate ; warm interglacials alternated with cold ice ages.

Every four years the international Quaternary community gathers together for the INQUA Congress. This is the largest gathering of its kind of Quaternary researchers. Session themes are broad, and such diverse topics are covered such as palaeoclimate, archaeology, glaciology, the carbon cycle and environmental reconstruction.
