Site de l’association française pour l’étude du Quaternaire (AFEQ)

Site du Comité national français de l’INQUA (Union Internationale d’étude du Quaternaire)

Site internet de l’INRAP, institut national de recherches archéologiques preventives

The Research Team in Archaeo- and Palaeo- Sciences (ROOTS) is at the service of the professionals interested by the history of the interactions between Man and his environment. A special emphasis is put on soils and plants. Besides being concerned by promoting the applications of the natural sciences in patrimonial studies, ROOTS affords a set of integrated analyses which include archaeopedology (field, chemical and physical analyses, phosphorus mapping), micromorphology and archaeobotany (charcoal, pollen and phytoliths).

Centre de Recherche d’Histoire Quantitative - CNRS - UMR 6583 - Université de Caen-Basse Normandie